Sunday, January 1, 2012

Remember how January kills? How it sucks all things good and well from all good people?
January 6, 2010 - My car was stolen with everything I own in it.
January 15, 2011 - My sister find our her unborn baby isn't going to live for much longer. Two weeks later Jonan passes away. My first love leaves on a train forever. My car breaks down for two months and since the Pie Shop never paid me, I don't have any money to fix it.
January 1, 1012 - My brakes on my car go out while I'm driving downhill on a windy road in the dark and I'm supposed to drive to Chicago in two days to have a family Christmas, and I find out I can't find my drivers license.
Can we please skip January this year? January 1 is not off to a good start so far.