Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The good guys always win.

Let the spirit of the Lord come down.

I don't have a lot to say, but I have much to share.
Let the spirit of the Lord come down.

There is this thing in my peripheral vision. It's like this big ball of light that is filled with magnificence. It's God's promise to me. I can't quite turn my head to it yet, but the road I'm down is leading me there, and I am eagerly and excitedly anticipating it. I keep getting closer.
Did I tell you how serendipitous life is when you live it with the Lord? He's creative not only in the Earth around us, but also in mapping out our lives. We must choose His way, though. He is not a God of force.
His quest is usually not the easiest quest.... then again, neither was Frodo's. But come on, would you have read a 9,250 page book merely about the day to day activities in the Shire? No. We read of The Lord of the Rings.
And I listen to the Lord of Lords. In the end He always wins.