Yesterday after I got off the Amtrak I was walking through the thick crowd of people in Chicago. My pack was heavy on my back, and my fingers were frozen out in the open holding my mandolin case. Must have forgotten my wrist warmers. Where are those things anyways? My fingers are freezing.
I was thinking about my current state of life. How nothing is certain. We just can't count on so many things we count on. I've learned that the hard way. If the signs pointed anywhere in my life right now, it would be that life doesn't want me to have a car, or a phone, and probably not a computer either. At least I won in the computer part of things. The computer has only pooped out on me once. Cars and phones... let's not get into that.
I started unrealistically thinking about moving into the middle of nowhere where things are more certain than here. The nightfall is certain, the daybreak is certain. The seasons will come, the trees will turn, and the season will go. Every day you know what you're in for. You know how to be prepared.
But when my $950 car is going to cost $700 to fix- that, I don't know how to be prepared for.
Man this sucks.
Interrupting my thoughts there was a crowed of small high schoolers with bright bags walking at me. I dodged out of the way so I wouldn't smack them with my mandolin and one of them handed me a pair of gloves.
"Free gloves?" asked a short one.
"Free gloves." He repeated again... like, duh!
"Oh, seriously!?"
"Thank you!!!!" I had no trouble showing my gratitude and excitement in those two words.
It was a short interaction and we passed each other quickly.
I laughed a bit and smiled.
"Yeah", God said, "I do take care of you."