Friday, February 18, 2011

God must be a mad scientist

It is beautiful outside. I've never felt a beauty and love so evident in the sunshine as I do right now.
I've never heard the animals singing to the Lord as I do now. And through it God speaks to me! The creator of the sun and those wacky weird clouds in the sky, and He wants to love me through it.
Really, only some crazy artsy fartsy artist could come up with something as weird as clouds. Go outside and look at them. The glow that they have against such a vibrant blue backdrop- tufts of strange shapes moving with freedom across the sky. They're weird.
And only a mad scientist can think up an idea that makes the clouds functioning parts of the planet. Something that the world relies on.
That's amazing.
I asked God this morning as I was walking down the street if He was some kooky artsy fartsy God. I looked out at the backdrop of the highway and the plains, and saw something extraordinarily beautiful in it. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Sarah," God replied, noting that I am His daughter, and I am like Him. And yes, He probably is kooky.
If the God of all these things around me - The Writer of my story - says that of me, then it must be true.

God didn't just create this place over the course of six days at the beginning of time and then be done with it. He is constantly creating, and still creating, making new things, and re-beautifying the old things. This place we get to live in is constant, moving, growing creation of His.

Now don't freak out when I say that God talks to me. I dont hear voices. And I think God talks to all of us. God is our convictions and our conscience. He is not our guilt. God is our intuition and our gut feeling. He is not our weakness. He is our encouragement and strength that speaks to us from within when we find ourselves strong. In those moments is when God is telling us the great things about ourselves.
God is not our shame.
So when I say that I speak to God, and God speaks to me, I say that I am learning to hear the things within as His great voice, and I learn to look to that all the time. When I think I need it, and when I don't think I need it, because inevitably I always need it.

Look at how kooky and beautiful this place is. God must be quite an interesting charachter. I've gotten to know His nurturing side, His comforting side, and the side of Him that provides and takes care of His people. His encouraging side, and His great Father side. I'm even starting to see His artistic and mysterious side.
What I want to know and enjoy now is God's kooky side.
I started today in the clouds. Perhaps the most poignant place to learn about someone's inner kook.